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Jarah, Page 3


Waterfall ( Gali ali-bag ) Arbil, a par of animated film.

Waterfall ( Gali ali-bag ) Arbil, a par of animated film. Director & Animation by Raafed Jarah 2015.

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Kids Partacipate at the film about Halabjah.

Kids Partacipate at the film about Halabjah. Director & Animation by Raafed Jarah 2016.

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Hujam by Raafed Jarah

For Hujam animated portrait

“Hujam” was a “Peshmerga” Kurdish defensive fighter, who fought against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria to the people in Kurdistan children, women, protect elderly people, he has been caught hostage by ISIS, after six months is barbaric been “executed” by ISIS public camera at 31.january.2015 been detacked the …

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Jango and Mango-animated-by-raafed-jarah

A part of animated film 2015

A part of animated film

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moskow, by raafed-jarah

moskow a part of animated film, by Raafed Jarah

moskow a part of animated film, by Raafed Jarah

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USA-poster-by Raafed.Jarah

a part of the animated film, New York city 2014

a part of the animated film, New York city 2014

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Animated Chain Faces. 2014

Animated Chain Faces. 2014 Chain Faces by Dr. Rolf Ottmüller Edit and Animation by Raafed Jarah Music from apple

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Jango and Mango-animated-by-raafed-jarah

Arbil a part of the animated film with sound effect 2014

Arbil a part of the animated film with sound effect 2014

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tiger-Raafed Jarah

Leopard drawn animation

        2D animation, drawing 67 frames, 10 fps.  2012-2013. Animation by Raafed Jarah © 2012-1013

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Abdullah Ocalan/ illustration, Raafed Jarah 2013

Poster Graphic

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