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Jango and Mango-animated-by-raafed-jarah

Die Grosse 2017 at Museum Kunstpalast Düsseldorf

        Die Eröffnung, zu der wir Sie bereits heute herzlich einladen, findet statt am: 18. Februar 2017, um 18:00 Uhr,im Museum Kunstpalast Düsseldorf, Robert Schumann Saal Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Besuch! Die Grosse Kunstausstellung NRW Museum Kunstpalast Düsseldorf The opening, to which we cordially invite you today, Will …

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flamenco, animated music video, by Raafed Jarah

( Flamenco ) animated music video

( Falamenco ) animated music video 2017. Music & Guitar: Ben Woods Dance: Aleert Hurtado Animation & drawing: Raafed Jarah

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Jango and Mango at Portsmouth film festival

                    The short animated film ( Jango and Mango ) by Raafed Jarah is nominated for best non narrative Animation at Portsmouth international film festival, UK. Production: Jarah Design  Portsmouth film festival  

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Drawings from animated movie Jango and Mango


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Jango and Mango in Malta

  Jango and Mango, short animated film by Raafed Jarah, selected on Goldensun film Festival in Malta.              

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Jongo and Mango is in Melbourne.

Jango and Mango an animated short film by Raafed Jarah, 2015 is official selected at Phoenix Film Festival Melbourne in Australia, (PFFM).                                  

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Cultural struggle, painting by Raafed Jarah.

Cultural struggle, painting by Raafed Jarah.

Cultural struggle, process painting oil on canvas, 200 x 170 cm. 2007 by Raafed Jarah. Cultural struggle, oil on canvas, 200 x 170 cm. 2007 by Raafed Jarah. How is the picture created? I had no idea before I started painting, but I knew only that I want to paint, …

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Jango and Mango by Raafed Jarah, selected in FiA15

Jango and Mango by Raafed Jarah, selected in FiA15, Festival Internacional de Animación (FIA) Uroguay.

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Jango and Mango Trailer 2015.

Jango and Mango Trailer 2015

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Film poster Jango and Mango 2015.

The animated film ( Jango and Mango ) is finish 2015. Storryboard, Director, Animation, and Sound-Design by Raafed Jarah Production by Jarah Design

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